Friday, August 26, 2005

More on Back Problems

I'm doing a lot better. I have been unable recently to sit in my office chair or drive my car without considerable pain; I am now able to do both these things. My pain meds, which before were simply useless, are now quite a lot of fun ;)

And the only things I am doing are: 1) resting 2) not running 3) not lifting weights 4) getting traction at the physiotherapist's office 5) swimming

The thing is, no one, including the first doctors I saw, gave me any real hope that I might just recover. Even my beloved wifey-wife, who is a Worker's Compensation lawyer, told me that only surgery had the possibility of given me relief. I'm glad to prove them all wrong.

Feeling better. Crossing my fingers.


Dianne said...

Yikes! If you can forego the surgery that'd be great. My husband had a very similar disc injury and went under the knife about 13 years ago. He's "better" but still has a lot of related pains that seem to be getting progressively worse. I'm sure the medical procedures have improved... but it still would be a last resort IMHO. Good luck!

4:09 PM  

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