Saturday, November 27, 2004

"Sideways" is both very funny and slightly sweet. Recommended. Paul Giamatti is hilarious.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Just saw The Incredibles again, this time in DLP. It was wonderful, despite a projector problem that slightly marred the picture. Admittedly, I'm into the fantastic stuff, but this is one great movie. It always helps when you have some really uninhibited people in the audience who laugh at everything. Emeryville audiences are in for a nice in-joke or two :)

Friday, November 19, 2004

Test from my Treo - maybe i'll write more this way ...

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Christmas Concerts

I'll be performing with Bella Musica:

Sergei Rachmaninoff: All-Night Vigil (Vespers)

One of the greatest musical monuments of the Russian Orthodox Church. "In the Vespers of 1915, Rachmaninoff reached perfect homogeneity, and the greatest technical richness and wealth of sound."

Concert Dates

Friday, December 10, 8:00 pm
Arlington Community Church, 52 Arlington Ave, Kensington.

Sunday, December 12, 4:00 pm
St. Mary Magdalen Church, 2005 Berryman St. (at Milvia St.), Berkeley.

Admission is by donation. Recommended donation: $12 general and $10 for students and seniors.

For more information or to purchase advance tickets for these events, please call 510-525-5393 or

All concert venues are wheelchair-accessible

A Loomer EP

We actually have enough really good material that, with a little tweaking, could be released to our Japanese fans. Should we do it?


You decide. I'd have a wife and cats to think of.

No this is not about Fallujah.

No this is not about the Alamo, dammit.